UPDATE — the in-person Gathering has been canceled. If you have registered or arranged for transportation, be advised the Gathering will now be on Zoom. Details to follow.

A welcome message from the Cloud Family Association President, Delishia Porterfield:
While we couldn’t meet in April 2020, I hope I’ll be able to welcome you to my hometown this September! Nashville is home to good food, great music and a rich history. We hope that you will enjoy “The Athens of the South”!
We will have dinner and a speaker Friday night. Saturday morning will include our annual business meeting, informative and fun sessions, and a luncheon.
Nashville has a lot to offer and I hope you will plan to take advantage of some of our historic sites and tours on Sunday. Find fun things to do while visiting on this website: MusicCity.com. Here are a few favorites: The Country Music Hall of Fame, Broadway, The Hermitage, Belle Meade Plantation, Music Row, Tennessee State Museum, The Parthenon, Cheekwood, Fort Negley, The Grand Ole Opry, Ryman Auditorium, or visit Nashville’s Gaylord Opry complete with 9 acres of indoor gardens, an indoor boat ride, restaurants and more! So much to see and do!
Group hotel accommodations and the schedule are below. If you check alternate accommodations in Nashville you will find that downtown and the Vanderbilt areas are much more expensive then the airport area, and we are a little further out than the airport, but I-24 will take us into the city and back quickly (except during rush hour!). This is a special rate for our group since we were booked previously, but had to cancel. Please make your plans – and reservations – as soon as possible.
Schedule for Cloud Family Gathering 2022:
Friday Sept. 23
3 pm – 6 pm
Regiatration / Free Time
6 pm – 8 pm
Opening Ceremony; Dinner; Special Guests; Entertainment; Food
Speaker: Nashville’s Womens’ Suffrage
8 pm –
Free Time
Saturday Sept. 24
6:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Breakfast at Hotel
8:30 – 9:15 AM
CFA Business Meeting
9:30 AM – 10:15 AM
Session 1: Middle Tenn. Genealogical Society
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Session 2: Nashville History
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM
Luncheon: Keynote Speaker
1:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Group Activity
6 PM –
Free Time (Explore Nashville)
Sunday, Sept. 25
6:00 AM – 9:00 AM
9 AM – Noon
Bus tour with David Ewing as tour guide
Noon –
Registration of $40 includes a Friday evening meal, a Saturday buffet lunch and some meeting costs. The Association will cover additional costs. Tours will be booked individually.
If you have specific food allergies, we have you covered! Our menus cover diverse needs and there is something for everyone. If you still have food concerns please email Delishia at pfieldms@gmail.com to discuss.
Print the Registration Form, fill it out and mail it to the Cloud Family Association Treasurer along with your check.
Mail your Registration Form and check to:
- Linda Boose, CFA Treasurer
- 508 Crestwood Dr.
- Eastland, TX 76448
Hotel Accommodations:
Holiday Inn Express and Suites Nashville-Southeast
201 Crossings Place
Antioch, TN 37013
Phone: 615-731 -2361

A block of rooms has been reserved and will be held until 4 weeks prior to the Gathering.
Rooms: King or Queen/Queen $139 per night; full breakfast included for all in room.
A block of rooms has been reserved.
Room reservation link:
When you reach the hotel page, enter the Check In / Check Out dates; click on the red “Search” button; and you will be taken to the reservation page showing the available rooms.
Free cancellation until 4:00 p.m. on Thursday the 22nd.
Free Breakfast – Free parking – Free Wi-Fi – Fridge and microwave in rooms
Transportation from airport will be arranged by CFA if needed